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January 9, 2014

When it goes back into your pocket, loosely palm your license in your right hand. This artistic exhibition consists of cutting out from one to three faceup one-handed fans. Gucci Shops In New York City NY. Use your left thumb to pinch the upper left corner of that card against the chosen card, and pull the rest of the spread away with the right hand. Now the only way to repair your souvenir is to use a bold bluff called the "Unmark" (fold cards for restoration). Gucci Shops In New York City NY. If you are unfamiliar with the paddle move, see the notes at the end of this routine (I have a hard time believing you don't know the paddle move but I'll keep an open mind). Well, just off the top of my head: you altered a seemingly unalterable power object (the dollar), turned it into a personal power object (their own name), made even more powerful by its close association with the high office of Treasurer of the United States... Gucci Shops In New York City NY.

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