Gucci Stores In Indianapolis Indiana IN

March 20, 2014

The performer states that by tapping the glass he will cause the selected card to penetrate the deck and appear inside the glass. The audience sees you pick up the box and turn it over to reveal its written prediction. Gucci Stores In Indianapolis Indiana IN. As soon as you've turned enough so that the pen behind your ear is out of sight, bring your right hand up and press the cap under the pen so it's lodged behind the ear. Drop the double onto the deck then turn the single face up to show that there's nothing to show. Gucci Stores In Indianapolis Indiana IN. If you insist on performing your close-up magic while seated, this effect is not for you. It can be wielded with skill, even consummate skill, and still remain cold, unmoving, one-dimensional. Gucci Stores In Indianapolis Indiana IN.

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