Gucci Stores In Israel

April 15, 2014

Take care that your fake double doesn't start to bow like the flimsy single card that it actually is. Carefully unwind the little red strip from the second case's cellophane and save the strip. Gucci Stores In Israel. This last bit of preparation is optional, but will really "sell" the effect to an observant spectator. During the cocktail hour, there will be a three piece classic music group playing live back ground music. Gucci Stores In Israel. The mike is pulled back through the legs, and then up again, finally appearing back in the right hand as it emerges from behind his back. I think the appeal of Victor's "11 Card Trick' lies in the magic which is happening by itself The magician doesn't seem to be doing anything - and yet the audience is seeing the impossible. Gucci Stores In Israel.

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