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April 5, 2014

The faster the two cards are folded, the greater the illusion of the two unfolded cards. If things just aren't going your way and both coins drop anyway, you can recover by simply pressing one of the coins back into classic-palm position with your right fingers. Discount Gucci Womens Shoes. Swivel the blue card counter-clockwise until its upper left corner is under the side of the red card... And I in return felt threatened by the resultant antagonism - I did not want these magicians to view me as their competitor for I knew the incredible power of the imagination and had no wish to be the victim of any dark spells. Discount Gucci Womens Shoes. The misdirection of moving the first Ace forward gives you just enough cover to "produce" this second ace. Sharpe's 1000 Thoughts on Magic, Ormond McGill's Presentation of Miracles are past examples of this kind of thinking. Discount Gucci Womens Shoes.

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