Gucci Boots Helena

April 14, 2014

The misdirection of moving the first Ace forward gives you just enough cover to "produce" this second ace. This will cause the limp card to be rigid, a condition which makes the restoration seem more complete. Gucci Boots Helena. I should mention that I have very fancy foil tickets printed up that say "Mystery Show -Admit One - $250. When you make the sandwich, spread the peanut butter and jelly both on one piece of bread. Gucci Boots Helena. The rest of us will have to scrape ourselves off the floor and play with the easier "Think of a Card" until we're strong enough to make the Deep Commitment. If you are unfamiliar with the paddle move, see the notes at the end of this routine (I have a hard time believing you don't know the paddle move but I'll keep an open mind). Gucci Boots Helena.

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