Gucci Jockey Brown Leather

April 1, 2014

Lift both the left and the right hand upwards sharply, the right hand still hovering over the back of the left fist, and let the concealed half fly up off the tips of your left fingers. From this position square the cards by pressing in with your right first and second fingers and thumb. Gucci Jockey Brown Leather. Position a stranger card (a card frorr' another deck of contrasting back design) m the twenty-first position, from the top of the deck The card that matches the stranger card (let s say the Seven of Hearts) should be face down on top of the deck. Use your left thumb to drag the top card onto the deck as your left fingers place their two cards as one onto the right side of the dragged-off card below it. Gucci Jockey Brown Leather. This re-gripping prevents your right forefinger from having to suspiciously extend itself. The fold in the blue card shortens one side and it looks like a big piece of the card has been removed. Gucci Jockey Brown Leather.

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