Gucci Marrakech Evening Bag

January 5, 2014

Retain a left little-finger break above card number six and below the last two cards, which are held as one and placed on top of the packet, being counted as number "seven. Flip the spread cards face down to show that the backs of all cards have changed color. Gucci Marrakech Evening Bag. Press down on top of the spread with your right thumb as you disengage your right fingers from the deck. As you start to squeeze the sides of the top and bottom cards together for the link, tilt your hands slightly down towards the audience. Gucci Marrakech Evening Bag. Re-grip the card case from above with your right fingers by curling the tip of your right forefinger down against the flap, your right thumb on the left side and your right second finger on the right side. Place it into a left side pocket or close-up case on its right side with the double-backer toward your body. Gucci Marrakech Evening Bag.

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