Gucci Slides Black

February 7, 2014

This revolutionary principle can also be used to visibly change a face-up card into a different card. Drop this upper half onto the tabled half, then immediately spread the facedown deck to reveal the single face-up Ace of Spades in the center. Gucci Slides Black. Use your left fingers and thumb to tear off the two left "keys" of the blue card... When I first heard of Paul's plans to release an annotated trilogy of his previous works, I was terribly disappointed. Gucci Slides Black. If you feel like having the deck shuffled by a spectator, slide the torn card into the case so it's set up for "Free Ride" (see previous effect) and can be stolen onto the bottom of the deck at any time. You have just performed a miracle, vanishing a card under impossible test conditions. Gucci Slides Black.

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