Louis Vuitton Albuquerque Store

April 25, 2014

Pause for a moment at the stopped-at card (which we'll assume is the Four of Clubs), then let the deck fall closed, retaining a left pinky break beneath the chosen card. We will now add a right thumb action which adds enormous misdirection and makes the dealing action look even more natural giving a wonderful retention of vision aspect to the whole thing. Louis Vuitton Albuquerque Store. The moves duplicate exactly the motion the brain thinks it's seeing and, in doing that, will subconciously make the brain hear what it thinks it should be hearing. On the count of four your hands come together as usual, but no card is pushed over by your left thumb. Louis Vuitton Albuquerque Store. Continue with the basic effect right up until the point when you are going to ask them the value of their card. There is no particular grip used other than a normal one where the first finger is at the outer end and the other fingers are at the right long side. Louis Vuitton Albuquerque Store.

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