Hermes Leather Birkin Replica

February 2, 2014

Place the three cards in left hand again, click them, and reach right hand up under coat to left shoulder. A big part of your job as a Magician is not only to make yourself liked by audiences, managers, committees, newspapers, etc. Hermes Leather Birkin Replica. Another clever fake is to paint a disk the size of a half dollar with Chinese White water colors, such as are used by show card writers and artists, on the inside of a white envelope. Bring left hand about eighteen inches away from right and open it slowly to show that card has disappeared. Hermes Leather Birkin Replica. Then removing thumb from loop quickly, let rings slide onto the tips of your fingers. Continue to reach for coins and toss them, one at a time, into the hat until all five coins have been taken from right hand. Hermes Leather Birkin Replica.

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